Ñoquis de remolacha con salsa de queso
Ingredients (4-6 people)
350 g boiled beetroot, 115 g instant mash potato, 1 tablespoon of salt, black pepper, nutmeg, 1 XL egg, 100 g flour.
For the cheese sauce
220 g evaporated milk, 125 g Emmental cheese, salt, black pepper, oregano.
Grind beetroot with a hand-blender. Add instant mash potato flakes, salt and nutmeg. Mix all together. set aside until the flakes absorb the beetroot juice (10 min).
After that, add a beaten egg and flour. Knead until the dough is smooth and non sticky.
Adding a bit of flour on a clean surface, make some cylinders like sausages and cut then in gnocchi size. Press lightly with a fork and save them in a tray
Boil the gnocchi in salted water until floating. Drain them.
Heat the evaporated milk using a pot and add grated cheese and some black pepper. Stir until the sauce is creamy.
Place the beetroot gnocchi on a dish, cover them with sauce and top with fresh oregano.
By Tapas Together Edinburgh
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